I specialize in advising Engineers on gaining clarity and focus for their retirement planning needs.
My area of expertise includes helping Engineers maximize their tax efficient retirement income, optimize their social security benefits and help manage their health care expenses.
When I am not meeting with my Engineering clients, I am often speaking at the various Engineering Societies. Since the year 2000, I have spoken to The Electrical Engineers Society (IEEE), The Civil Engineers Society (ASCE), Society of Mechanical Engineers (SME), Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) and The American Council of Engineer Companies (ACEC).
I have also consulted with various Engineering companies for their company retirement plans as well as individual employees for their retirement planning needs.
My area of expertise includes helping Engineers maximize their tax efficient retirement income, optimize their social security benefits and help manage their health care expenses.
When I am not meeting with my Engineering clients, I am often speaking at the various Engineering Societies. Since the year 2000, I have spoken to The Electrical Engineers Society (IEEE), The Civil Engineers Society (ASCE), Society of Mechanical Engineers (SME), Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) and The American Council of Engineer Companies (ACEC).
I have also consulted with various Engineering companies for their company retirement plans as well as individual employees for their retirement planning needs.